Saidy,Anthony Fred - Fischer,Robert James [A25]
USA-chT New York, 1969
[Hector Leyva]
1.c4 e5 2.Cc3 Cc6 3.g3 f5 4.Ag2 Nf6 5.e3 Bc5 6.d3 f4 This is the first time trial this movement, the idea is to sacrifice a pawn to open the diagonal for the bishop to c5 for Black and weaken the central wall of white.
7.exf4 0-0 8.Cge2 Qe8 9.0-0 d6 10.Ca4 This horse away from the center and placed in an unfortunate situation or outside game. [ 10.Ae3 Maric, R 10 ... Axe3 11.fxe3 exf4 12.exf4 DE3 + 13.Rh1 Ng4 14.Ad5 + Kh8 15.Rg2 Qe8! - + ]
10 ... Bd4 11.Cxd4 White in an effort to achieve the two bishops and a majority in the kingside four to two, do not realize that a4 leave your horse alone game, it will bring serious consequences.
11 ... exd4 12.h3 In order to seek to expand on the kingside with g4, by concept never be given freedom to the enemy and let him win space in any section of the board. Fischer Therefore juice
12 ... h5 Diagram
g4 13.a3
Again the threat of expansion now on the queenside.
13 ... a5 © Avoiding White freedoms
14.b3 In order to communicate with the horse the rest of his pieces.
14 ... Qg6 Black begin to concentrate their forces towards the weak pawn on d3, remember that the idea of \u200b\u200battacking a weakness is not to win but to oblige to parts rivals to focus on the defense of such weakness, so they would no longer weak in other sectors of the board, which could be exploited to attack.
15.Cb2 Bf5 Bobby Notice how each play is hammering the d3 pawn
16.Dc2 Releasing d1 box that can be occupied in the future by one of its towers.
16 ... Nd7! Incorporating f6 horse to conquer the d3 pawn
17.Te1 Nc5 18.Af1 far Fischer attack has taken his impeccable d3 pawn, but the military equipment to continue to press this point has been completed. What to do? When these things happen then we must focus our attention to another weakness, we make a reconnaissance flight around the position of whites. Crack is detected in the territory of the white lady on the edge of b3-pawn is protected only by the white queen, because the situation b2 Horse hindering co-operation of other parts in the defense of the pawn. How to attack this weakness? Ideally, open the column by pressing with the towers, but not so simple. Here Fischer uses a procedure that is used a lot when you can not open a column and move their towers through the HORIZANTAL.'''
18 ... Ra6 Diagram
With this simple move the pawn on b3 is completely unprotected.
19.Ad2 Saidy is the threat complicating TB6, but Fischer is not distracted and continued with his plan.
19 ... TB6 20.Axa5 Txb3 target has fallen, this has resulted in a press piece the number one target of the attack on the black pawn on d3 [ 20 ... Cxa5 Maric, R 21.b4 breaking free from its evils.]
21.Ad2 Master Note that Fischer has taken almost all his pieces to attack the pawn on d3. Here do not despair to capture on d3 and that this weakness is permanent and prefer to continue to improve its parts, with another typical procedure, by threats to weaknesses in the opponent's position. That is put into play our parts without losing time and we forced to defend against and so we play again, we call this initiative, this was one of the greatest contributions that gift Fischer chess, his sense of initiative.
21 ... Ra8 22.a4 Ra6-/ + now the other tower is following in the footsteps of his fellow Game aims to reach the semi-open column b, but through the sixth horizontal
23.a5 Kh7 very important before the final assault on the wall The safety of our king is very important, this quality often see Kasparov heading.
24.Ted1 b6 25.Ae1 Here White had the chance. [ 25.axb6 Taxb6 26.Ta2 Nxd3-+ ; 25.Ca4 Axd3 26.Axd3 Rxd3 Txg3 the threat and the white queen is lost.]
bxa5-+ 25 ... Diagram
26.Ca4 here has reached the maximum when the position can not be further improved and it is time to collect the booty.
26 ... Rxd3! Fischer delivers the quality but in return must give the white-squared bishop custodian color boxes that castling ..
27.Axd3 Axd3 28.Da2 Nb4 29.Da3 [ 29.Db2 Maric, R 29 ... Cxa4 30.Txa4 Ac2 Retrieving the quality delivered and being in a winning position.]
29 ... cc2 30.Db2 Cxa1 31.Txa1 Cxa4 32.Txa4 Qe4 33.Axa5 This speeds up the end of the game. Resisitia a little more [ 33.Dd2 TB6 34.Ta1 Bxc4-+ ; 33.Ta1 Bxc4 but also are lost.]
33 ... Txa5 34.Txa5 DE1 + 35.Rh2 Dxa5 36.Dxd4 Here Master abandonment Saidy completely lost.
What we learned in this wonderful game of Fischer?
a) As a piece of misplaced or away from the center affects the harmony of the rest of his pieces
b) as an important initiative to increase the positional and material advantage.
c) The pawn sacrifice is not only used to attack the king, also May be used to attack other types of weaknesses in this game a pawn, which was the root cause of the defeat white.
d) Finally, the mechanism used by Fischer to give through towers game the sixth horizontal. One of these works of Fischer and a tribute to the Eternal Champion. ' 0-1
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