David, Alb (2536) - Nedev, T (2528) [B30] 23rd ECC
TUR Men Kemer (3), 05.10.2007 [Hector Leyva]
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Rossolimo Variation in the Sicilian Defence 3 ... Nf6 Other sequels considered are: [ 3 ... e6, 3 ... g6 ] 4.Nc3
For someone who wants to play with little theory the Rossolimo variation is a good alternative, because its foundation is based on the logical development of the parts.
summing up the opening:
a) Go out with a central pawn.
b) Develop the horses to the center (f3 and c3)
c) To develop the bishop to c4 or
As b5 You can see the white have met three basic requirements of openness. 4 ... g6 5.e5 Here strategic principle is applied to make room in the center. 5 ... Ng4 The pawn is under attack by black horses. 6.Bxc6 Cede one bishop in exchange stabilizes the e5 pawn and most importantly the horse away from the center g4. 6 ... dxc6 7.h3 Ch6 8.g4
The black horse is in the band. 8 ... Bg7 9.d3 allows the development of the c1-bishop, until White's movements are normal. 9 ... 0-0 10.De2 reinforces the pawn on e5 d1 and clear the box to remove the white king to the queen side. 10 ... f6
The e5 pawn restricts the mobility of white space because it dominates, so that Black provided to remove building to find counterplay in the "f" 11.Ad2 This clearly is not advisable to capture on f6 because it opens the column "f" or column "and" should capture the pawn on e7, plus it would implement the principle of opening the position when he has the bishop pair.
As you can see a game we have to go through the concepts and principles that help us orient ourselves in the position, of course this must be accompanied by particular calculation. 11 ... Nf7 Black threatens to win the e5 pawn, but this should not worry the white and the black pawn structure is weakened and more importantly, the g7 bishop would not activity in the a1-h8 diagonal. 12.0-0-0 (Diagram)
The white pieces have finished opening their towers to be communicated. The result is that enjoy greater freedom of action on the kingside, for the space that generates the g4 pawn. Why where you should attack? For where there is advantage in moving parts, but more important are the weaknesses of the opponent, in this position would be the kingside, because by observing the black pawn structure on the sidewall lady shows the strength they have. 12 ... Qc7 Increases attack on the e5 pawn. Keep in mind that in chess the most important thing is the activity of parts, the material is a secondary factor, hence the concept of relative value of the pieces.
In the next move the white pawn on e5 ignore, because the blockade of the diagonal of the g7 bishop and the bishop on c8 restriction with the white pawn on g4 is compensated for the loss of the pawn. 13.Rb1 prophylactic Movement says the white king and avoids issues on d3. 13 ... CD8
Should capture the black pawn position would have a piece of restricted activity. The horse can not do anything with the white pawn on e5, regroup to a square looking weak in this case f4 and d4. [13 ... Nxe5 14.Af4 b5 15.Ce4 Qd8 16.Cxe5 fxe5 17. Ad2 White has compensation due to the inactivity of the g7 bishop.; 13 ... fxe5 14.Ce4 is important to block the advance of the e5 pawn.] 14.Ce4
The position is located in the middle game, the principle of attack suggests that we should take the greatest number of pieces to the area where it will attack, but we should not lose sight of the e5 pawn limiting the activity of the black pieces . Ce4 motion attacking the pawn on c5 and centralizes the horse from the central square the knight can move to the kingside and the sidewall lady, hence the concept of openness "to develop the pieces to the domain central " 14 ... CE6 The horse improves its situation, but blocks the action of the bishop on c8" The coordination of parts is like water to plants [14 ... fxe5 !? 15.Cxc5 b6 + / = ] 15.h4 (Diagram)
Start the offensive on the kingside. [ 15. Be3 b6 16.d4 cxd4 17.exf6 exf6 18.Cxd4 Qe5 19.Dd3 ] 15 ... fxe5 is clear that progress f6-f5 allowed to open the column "g" 16.h5?! a move seemingly logical but allows Black to escape, was to strengthen the only correct helpless pawn (G4) and then continue the attack. [ 16.Tdg1! Nf4 17.Axf4 Txf4 18.Cfg5 ] 16 ... Nf4 17.Axf4 exf4? This capture apparently needed to open the diagonal for the bishop to g7 and find counterplay default is black because it will be inactive, the movement was correct Bg4. [It was necessary to find counterplay Bg4. 17 ... Axg4! 18.hxg6 hxg6 ( 18 ... h5 19.Ae3! Bxf3 20.De1 quality delivery is justified with the weakening of the kingside of the black pieces. 20 ... Qc8 21.Tg1 b6 22.Tc1 Qf5 23.Tg5 + / - ) 19.Axe5 Bxf3 20.Axc7 Axe2 21.Tde1 f3 22.Th2 Rf5 23.Cd2 Re8 24.Cc4 Kf8 25.Ae5 Bxe5 26.Txe5 Ad5 27.Txf5 + gxf5 28.Ce5 Rd8 29.Th5 The position is complex.] 18.hxg6 hxg6
Column "h" has been opened, this is a strong element in the strategy and tactics. 19.Th4 Defend the pawn on g4 and allows dubbing of heavy parts in the open column. Another alternative was to take the tower d1 to g1 [ 19.Tdg1 ] 19 ... e5? (Diagram)
Terrible mistake buried leaves Black without counterplay. B6 was right to defend the pawn on b6 and allowing Black to find counterplay for via a6 c8 bishop in any given time. By blocking the e5 square g7-bishop loses activity. [19 ... b6 20.Cfg5 Qe5! "The best defense is attack" 21.c3 Be6 ] 20.Cfg5 the horse on the kingside control boxes f7 and h7. 20 ... f3? The position is difficult for Black to the weakening of the kingside and the inactivity of its parts. [20 ... Re8 ] 21.Df1 Rf4 [ 21 ... Rf5 22.gxf5 gxf5 + - ] 22.Dh3 defends the pawn on g4 and enhances the penetration in the "h" The issue is that the bishop on c8 d7 can not develop to the threat of the sacrifice of rook on h8. 22 ... Txe4 This change opened the column "d" d1 tower incorporating the attack. [ Txg4 22 ... can not change what you expect to? 23.Txg4 Axg4 24.Dh7 + Kf8 25.Dxg6 + - ; 22 ... Bd7 23.Th8 + Axh8 24.Dh7 + Kf8 25.Dxh8 + Ke7 26.Dg7 + Kd8 27.Th1 + - The entrance to the tower h8 will be decisive.] 23.dxe4 Qe7 ( Diagram)
The black king is in combinatorial reasons, not enough boxes to move, the 8th horizontal is weak. Parts attackers outnumber defenders of king, these indications lead us to think about starting the final shot of the black king.
envision a model or position of mate. We removed three pieces of board. H4 white tower, the black queen and bishop on g7, without these three parts everything would be simple mate in two moves would 1.Dh7 + Kf8 and 2.Df7 mate, but the reality is different, the pieces are in the board. We must find a way to get rid of those three parts, for which the themes helped us merge.
First we get rid of the white tower that blocks the action of the white queen (Clear column) 1.Th8 + is bound to capture the rook with the bishop and with this move we kill two birds with one stone, we remove the bishop on g7 and release action of the lady, but we ran into another obstacle, the black queen, here we realize that is overloaded, defending the boxes h7-f7 and 8th horizontal.
combination This topic argues that the best way to get a piece overloaded is to attack one of the points he defends. Now everything is simple 2.Td8! and it was over. [23 ... Kf8 24.Th8 + Ke7 25.Dxf3 + - ] 24.Th8 +! Axh8 25.Td8 +! has been able to observe a nice combination. [+ 25.Td8 Dxd8 26.Dh7 + Kf8 27.Df7 # ] 1-0
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