Friday, April 15, 2011

Why Did My Logitech Headset Stopped Working Ps3

the economy six months from the elections

Argentina enters the home stretch of the last two quarters prior to presidential elections, showing a ruling that propels a candidate Cristina Kirchner, with chances to win in October, in the first round. "Cristina" tops all the polls, with a booming economy and low unemployment, is in this context, precisely because it leads the voting intentions, it makes sense to stay the course of public policy, exerting political convictions consistency and an eventual electoral success.
sectors Since always, we request that Argentina implement a stabilization plan that goes in the opposite of the rest of the world, a world that has implemented expansionary policies even in the face of rising inflationary pressures.
Obviously there will be no rate stabilization plans of the IMF, because it is not remotely in the mind and the spirit of political leadership. Moreover, inflation shows signs of having been stabilized for 14 months on 20% annually, according to private consultants.
The ruling means that a steady 20% inflation is not good, but is not affecting the growth, consumption, investment or employment. Cristina
know whereas inflation does not accelerate, but not to raise interest rates or cut spending groups, for any reason. To try to avoid accelerating inflation, the government maintains rates and stable exchange rate, while defending prices through controls and moderates the expansion of aggregate spending, having increased the expansion from the global crisis of 2009.
Starting a measurement in the second quarter of 2009, when the economy hit floor post crisis, the GDP has been 21 consecutive months of strong growth, at an annualized rate of about 9.2% average per quarter. Collect and growth of no less than 19% in 21 months, bringing the GDP and 12% are located above the previous peak global crisis, during the third quarter of 2008. Private consumption grew at a record annual rate of no less than 20% in the last quarter of 2010, is relatively low unemployment levels (urban unemployment = 7.3% in the fourth quarter of 2010) and while inflation is high, society will tolerate without affecting the public image of government.
is necessary to understand that a high inflation rate by international standards, and the monetary approach, does not appear as the main problem afflicting society as serious as unemployment and slowing economic activity. While polls mark the Inflation is the fourth concern of society, we must assume that the government has understood what the priorities of the people. As I always say, you can analyze and classify a governance without taking on the basis of its logic and particular interests.


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