Born in the city of Santiago de Leon de Caracas, Ricardo Víctor Azuaje is a young writer, spent his childhood in the Venezuelan Andes, in the town of Trujillo state Boconó, has over 150 poems and several stories of their responsibility. An avid reader, unwrap your life between work and studies. A great fan of music, art, beauty, in short everything that is creating high souls.
poetry is to create, by implication, the poet is a creator, here will be presented the works of a young man who creates under the premises that houses your soul, your mind and body, attempting to harmonize and bring the written language. Perhaps his poems violate certain rules that are taken as truth and claimed others that may be seen as fiction, maybe read things they do not seem right, others may offend the susceptibility of some, but all creation is a personal act that is claimed as a symbol of their very existence. Create also a responsibility and therefore the writer assumes all responsibility for his poetry, his views, in order of their creations.
This is his personal blog that are most welcome, this space has been created to publish some of his poems, and stories with the goal of delivering and collecting the views of our readers. Once again
are welcome and leave your opinions, if anything they like, if anything they dislike, comment, always with moderation and proper use of language.
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