Monday, April 27, 2009
Humourous Wedding Invitation Test
This is an audio created for Multimedia Theory and Practice. This is a file without human voices.
Here goes!
Enjoy (if you do not want to hear the file in this player, can download it here )
Sunday, April 26, 2009
How Long Live Liver Failure
Today I let a comment.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Pyramat S2500 Gaming Chair And Manual
operating systems and Google Palm Inc. technically tied in terms of market share of smartphones. 6%, according to the Mobile Metrics Reports of Admob, both companies would be competing. There
forget that in the case of Android , this 6% means the presence of a single model phone, the T Mobile G-1, with more than one million units sold.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Why Are Cartman And His Mom Yellow
has produced the first sentence to prison for profiting from the downloads. More than downloads are links to downloads. Leave a couple of links, and each draw their own conclusions to see if you can generate a minimum of debate: First sentenced to prison for profiting from Internet downloads (The Country) and first surfer to prison for profiting from Internet downloads (Public). The Association of Internet and clarify that, contrary to the misinterpretation that has made the decision by the mainstream press has not changed at all the tendency of the courts and, As before, the border with the crime lies in the pursuit of profit.
Panties Pulled Down By France
here is something that we love. Saying things without saying them, or not saying them to say things. The same is something that the other. The case is a huge number of atrocities and stay calm without appearing that we are great sons of bitches without even a minimum of humanity. Empathy once told me that's what's missing to make this society work. Lie. Is worse, we put ourselves in the shoes of others, we feel what might be feeling, but what happens is that it gives exactly the same and that if that is unforgivable.
I'm not going to talk about the "urban legends" that if immigrants do not know, because there are few, because they go first, because they have magical aids. Not worth it. I I'm going to get better with what we all know. We have no fear or hatred of immigrants that are different or because the cultural barrier is insurmountable, we fear and hate poverty. Okay, we also fear what is different. But what we have is fear of poverty. Same demagogic would say that immigrants accept rich and disgust us poor immigrants, but I'll say. I've seen people idolize convincingly racist people from other countries and cultures, and that we see every day. When immigrants have money / power / fame, and not an immigrant. As we are not racists, we are assholes. Fear of
different maybe. Not me. They say Punset here. And I really think so, and if it really is in the subconscious, I cleared the doubts. We are afraid of diversity. Any change, however small. And the differences are not always small. Look different, different culture, different language. Bad thing. But beyond the fear of something different, tell us what the subconscious, inherited prejudices, and all these things against which we have to fight at such times, think they are people. And it sounds very typical, very liberal, or whatever you call the reactionaries, this is true. And as typical as it sounds, having been born here or there, or on the other hand, changes nothing, however much we try hard this is ours, and this we have built us, nothing changes.
I have heard so many terrible things that do not know if that is irrational thinking, or is that real people are bad, subconsciously and consciously. Even worse, in times of crisis. When people see jeopardize their work, and welfare, then the words and facts, and each is covered as it can. And the first to blame the immigrant. Without thinking about anything else. They work cheaper, and they take my job. So simple we are.
"I'm not pro-immigrant" Leo here. "Before you were and not now? I understand. When all goes But I do not, but when I really go wrong, the first thing I blame is the weakest. I understand.
"I want to fuck up, the government provided to me as likely that gives you a guy who calls himself marginalized" Si. Definitely missing is perspective.
is not the first time I hear, or hear, or you will hear, or read, that when a canoe or small boat is our shores, we should not give aid, or at most, are already taken by his country ass. Nor are we surprised when told it is to give papers to anyone, not when someone releases that anyone without papers, out. And what happens is that I will say I think that even I must say, is there, you see, it seems so common sense to me is reluctant to write. It is no longer a part of our taxes go to support for "immigrants" is not as "take away" work, not that thousands of English were immigrants, and better or worse, have been welcomed and have been able to pull ahead, it does not matter. What is important here that only think about ourselves, in our foolishness, and we want them out because this is ours. Because it seems ridiculous not to think that they are not here by choice. It seems ridiculous that they think that coming was the last resort. It seems ridiculous not to think nobody wants to leave their land, life, and come to a strange and completely foreign to anything. It seems ridiculous to think they have not been there, they have risked their lives on a journey many times without end, and that surely will suffer here. But that does not matter, we sneak in and take away our jobs. But equally, the foreigner who comes to be left in a pasture covers, that does not bother us. And it is just migrant.
We also love to say that about most crimes are committed. I always thought that when things go wrong, there is the irrationality and despair. I always thought that poverty could lead to violence, but apparently not. To reappoint Punset Is poverty justifies violence? to correct it. "The Sisters of Mercy were very poor and never characterized by raucous dose of violence. Sectors of the Russian mafia are well above the average income levels and have shown unprecedented criminal behavior. "" It is easier to find a single culprit to both delirium, such as poverty or climate change. "
Assumingtrue, it may be, do not know, nor do I care, just say that crimes are committed by people, not nationalities.
want people just do not tell me they have it all done, have all aid and all fixed.
I do not know. I do not like what I read or what I hear. Things are not so. And this does not look to change.
I do not know. I do not know if you keep writing and go mad, or stop now because I've said enough.
And yes, you are racist.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Valerian Difference Chamomile Tea
Friday, April 10, 2009
Bowhunting Only In Texas
To achieve that mark 13 seconds, what they did was build a program that files a Foreign OS "frozen." Thus, the system takes to set, because it is. And thus, for example, some users report start times of five seconds.
A record that both the windows system, such as apples and kittens should learn.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Milena Velba Santa Actually
In parallel, the congress of this country is processed by the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a national firewall, which blocks the content of child pornography and p2p downloads at a cost of $ 125 million.
In Chile the situation is somewhat different. Our home navigation speed is only 10 MBps and costs, as OECD values \u200b\u200b, 5 to 7 times more than in the member countries of that organization. Only in Japan, the value MBps month is U.S. $ 0.3. Something that we are far away.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Wording For Wedding Memorial Ideas
The 96% market share of sub-notebooks, or better known as netbooks , operating system is Windows XP and points out the technology news site, .
The site, which refers to a study by firm NPD indicates that the operating system (OS) from Microsoft is preferred by users when choosing a home unit.
Experience with OS other than Windows are often frustrating for customers, who soon discard or return the equipment. One of the options the OS of Bill Gates, and is taking great force, is Ubuntu, a distro of Linux, developed by Canonical Ltd (see website) . But unfortunately, the ordinary human being (and city for that matter), prefers the massive and mediocre rather than the excellence and discretion.
It seems that Windows XP is here to stay.